
We’re Sun-Wise, but are we Chemical Wise?

By 04 February, 2016 No Comments

Today’s post has been inspired by our networking breakfast meetings ‘Mad Hatters’ day.

Each person was given 40 seconds to talk about their business and incorporate a hat into their story.

My hat of choice for the day was emblazoned with the motto ‘Good Times Tan Lines’. You may be thinking what does this have to do with chemical free cleaning?

I started my speech with “Good Times Tan Lines… said nobody ever with skin cancer.”

If you are old enough, think back to the days when sunbaking was an acceptable pastime. If you are too young to remember those days then let me fill you in.

Tanning was the thing to do on a sunny day. We would use tanning oil with the lowest SPF possible, using anything higher would mean we wouldn’t get that tan we were after. There was no such thing as SPF 50+.

Back then, we put lemon juice in our hair and would sit in the sun for hours on end in hope of ‘natural looking streaks’. We even tried used tea bags in our hair because one of the teen magazines told us it would give us the sun-kissed look.

There was no internet, social media, selfies and most certainly no awareness of the real damage the sun could cause. Skin cancer was definitely not on our radar.

Today we are much more aware of the dangers. What we now know is not all that different to what we now know about the potential hazards of everyday chemicals.

Cleaning chemicals can be bad for our health and the more we talk about it and educate people, the healthier our future generations will be.

Just as smoking is no longer acceptable in public places, neither should be the use of cleaning chemicals.

Here are two examples of how I can help.